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ToupTek Astro



Planetary Color Camera USB3.0
Regular price $239.00 USD
Regular price $259.00 USD Sale price $239.00 USD
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G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C G3M678C

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael Covington
Simple, fast, high resolution, reliable

Although I've used my G3M678C camera only a couple of times, I've found it very reliable. The small pixels enable me to do planetary imaging at f/10 without a Barlow or other magnification, and that makes it MUCH easier to get the planet into the field of view.

The camera delivers a high frame rate and is not picky about the length of USB 3 cables. Two pieces of advice: (1) Turn up the USB rate in FireCapture, SharpCap, and similar software; by default the data transmission rate is much lower than what the camera is capable of. (2) Don't install ASCOM drivers unless you have software that requires them; they confuse some software. FireCapture, SharpCap, and (if I'm not mistaken) PHD2 support this camera natively. Of course, ToupSky works fine, is free, and may be all you need; it should certainly be the first thing you use to verify that the camera works well.