ToupTek Astro
OAG L オフアクシス ガイド
OAG L オフアクシス ガイド

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オフアクシス ガイダーは非常に効果的かつ効率的であり、可能な限り正確なガイドを必要とする長焦点距離の望遠鏡にとって不可欠な天体イメージング アクセサリーでもあります。

1. 軽くて上品、適度な厚み(17.5mm)
2. プリズム面積 10×10mm
3. 有効口径10×7mm
4. ガイドスコープ不要でメインカメラとガイドカメラを同時接続可能。
5. すべての ToupTek ATR カメラまたは他の主流ブランドのカメラおよびアクセサリと互換性があります。





I got this adapter for Redcat 51 setup along with Touptek Filter wheel. The OAG got attached to the touptek filter wheel perfectly well with screws, attching the Touptek guide camera was easy, setting it up to precise location for finding guide stars was also simple to perform. You can raise and lower the prism easily. It worked well with Touptek 662 camera. I was able to find stars with Redcat 51 and guide the AM5 well. The sales and service of Touptek is also amazing. The packages arrived within 4 days. Everything was taken care of, even the customs. Very Satisfied.
Siehe meine 1. Bewertung. Hier mal ein aktuelles Bild. Mit so einer Kamera kommt man nicht in den Fokus,
I have used this only for one imaging session about 8h. Guiding worked well with OAG. Setup was easy only small difficulty was to get focus right with guide camera. Overall OAG simplifies my imaging setup saves time for actual imaging.
Absolutely satisfied. It is finally the alternative to the "competitor in red".
OAG L Off-Axis Guider